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Saturday, April 20, 2013

Armenian Inspired Part 6

Here is the last part of my Armenian collection. I saved the best for last. These are the Armenian pagan goddesses. My source for the descriptions is Wikipedia.

Aceasta este ultima parte din colectia Armeniana si am pastrat ce era mai bun pentru final. Urmatoarele pandantive intruchipeaza zeitele pagane armeniene si o figura nationala cunoscuta. Sursa pentru descrieri a fost Wikipedia. 


polymer clay, girl, armenian, ethnic

Anahit is the goddess of fertility and healing, but also the goddess of wisdom and water. In Armenian Mythology she also appears as the goddess of war and by the 5th century she was the main deity in Armenia.

Anahit este zeita fertilitatii si vindecarii dar si a intelepciunii si a apei. In Mitologia Armeniana ea apare si ca zeita razboiului si pana in secolul al 5-lea devine una dintre cele mai importante zeitati din Armenia.

polymer clay, girl, armenian, ethnic
made with beautiful shades of blue and other colors that
make us think about water/ sea/ healing 
In the earliest prehistoric period Astghig, commonly referred to as Asya, Astghik, or Astlik, (Armenian: the later heathen period she became the goddess of love, maidenly beauty, and water sources and springs. Her Hence, the name is not believed to be related to Semitic Ishtar.

In perioada preistorica Astghig, Asya, Astghik sau Asktlik sunt nume pentru aceeasi zeitate. Astghig este zeita paganda a fertilitatii si dragostei cu cerul fiind considerat o personificare a ei. Mai tarziu devine zeita iubirii, a frumusetii tineresti si a apei si izvoarelor. Numele este diminutivul de la astg, care inseamna stea.
polymer clay, girl, armenian, ethnic
Pendant showing Nane, the war god.
Nane (Armenian: Նանե, Nanė; Georgian: ნანა, Nana; Bulgarian: Нане, Nanė; Russian: Нанэ, Nanė) was an Armenian pagan mother goddess. She was the goddess of war, wisdom, and motherhood, and the daughter of the supreme god Aramazd.

Nane looked like a young beautiful woman in the clothing of a warrior, with spear and shield in hand, like the Greek Athene, with whom she identified in the Hellenic period.

Nane este zeita razboiului, a intelepciunii si a maternitatii dar si fiinca supremului zeu Aramazd. Nane era o femeie frumoasa si tanara in armura cu o sulita si un scut in mana, fiind adesea comparata cu Atena.


polymer clay, girl, armenian, ethnicTsovinar or Nar was the Armenian goddess of water, sea, and rain. She was a fire creature, who forced the rain and hail to fall from the heavens with her fury.
Her name Tsovinar means "Nar of the sea".

Nar a fost zeita Armeniana a apei, a marii si a ploii. Ea era o creatura de foc care forta ploaia sa cada din cer cu furia ei. Tsovinar, celalat nume al ei inseamna “Nar a marii”

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