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Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Busy, busy

Like usual, whenever I make plans to post more on my blog I become suddenly extremely busy. I've had and still have a lot of projects at work and I'm also going to be in a craft fair in Brasov so I've prepared for the last week. I also did a few personalized items, one for somebody who wanted Elsa from Frozen and another for someone who wanted dog earrings. I also got inspired to make more kawaii charms that I hope I will show off next week when I have time to take pictures.

Ca de obicei, atunci cand imi propun sa postez mai mult pe blog devin subit extrem de ocupata. Am avut si am extrem de multe proiecte la munca si voi participa si la un targ handmade in brasov asa ca incerc sa ma pregatesc. Am facut cateva produse personalizate printre care si un pandantiv cu printesa Elsa din Frozen si niste perechi de cercei cu catelusi. De asemenea am fost inspirata in ultimul timp sa fac niste charm-uri kawaii asa ca sper sa le postez saptamana viitoare cand am timp sa fac poze.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Review: Waterbased varnish from Pentart/ Lacul pe baza de apa Pentart

When I first started working with polymer clay I wanted something that would be easy to use on
jewelry and dry relatively fast. Pentart varnish looked like it would be a great decision: it was water based so people who wore my jewelry wouldn't develop rashes (I've heard stories) and it had a pretty satin finish.So I said great and started using this to give my pieces a polished look.

Unfortunately this turned out to be a great disappointment. It does look pretty but after a few weeks my polymer clay pieces became extremely sticky and the varnish started peeling off.

I couldn't even use the matte varnish because it was too thick and made my pieces look really bad.

So, don't use it on polymer clay. 

Cand am inceput sa lucrez cu lut polimeric voiam ceva usor de folosit pe bijuterii care sa se usuce relativ repede. Lacul de la Pentart parea o decizie minunata: era pe baza de apa si cei care purtau bijuteriile mele nu ar fi avut alergii (am auzit niste povesti...) si avea si un finish satinat foarte dragut.

Din pacate s-a dovedit a fi o mare dezamagire. Arata dragut dar dupa cateva saptamani bijuteriile mele au devenit lipicioase si lacul a inceput sa se cojeasca. 

Lacul mat a fost si mai rau, nici n-am apucat sa-l folosesc deoarece era prea gros si imi facea piesele sa arate rau de tot.

Nu-l folositi pentru lut polimeric.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Shrink Plastic/ Plastic nebun

I bought Shrink plastic last year and I did use it for a couple of times but my results were simply terrible. I did regret buying transparent plastic because it has a really ugly look to it after it gets cured. So for those out there who want to try it, the white one is the best it gets.

However, I did managed to create some interesting things, one of which will be shown in this article. I did this brooch a couple months ago but couldn't find a proper varnish to use with it. At first I wanted to use resin but I tried it on some things and didn't cured properly (I believe living in such a humid and cold environment might have been the problem). I love drawing as it is the first thing I ever did with my hands so you will see a lot of drawing along with my polymer clay little sculptures and jewelry.

Am cumparat Plastic Nebun anul trecut si l-am folosit de cateva ori dar rezultatul a fost oribil. Regret ca am cumparat plastic transparent deoarece are un look foarte urat dupa ce se coace. Deci daca aveti de gand sa luati, sa faceti bine sa luati din cel alb deoarece este mult mai ok. 

Totusi am facut cateva piese interesante iar una din ele o voi preenta mai jos. Am facut aceasta brosa acum cateva luni dar nu am gasit un lac potrivit pentru ea. La inceput am vrut sa folosesc rasina dar am incercat-o pe cateva alte piese si nu s-a intarit corespunzator, probabil datorita mediului umed si mai rece din casa mea. Imi place sa desenez deoarece este primul lucru mai artistic pe care l-am facut asa ca o sa vedeti mai multe desene si picturi pe langa ce mai fac din lut polimeric. 

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Dear Owl Lovers.../ Dragi iubitori de bufnite...

Last summer I crafted a series of owl charms, pendants and pins that I took with me to the fairs. I decided this winter to also post them online. They were a great success so I figured out there was some secret owl lover group that was following me. I present you my colorful owl collection. They can be purchased by international buyers by sending me an email on my facebook page. I usually take special orders to make crazy colored owls but you can also buy those I have in stock.

Vara trecuta am creat o serie de bufnite pe care le-am mai luat cu mine pe la targuri si au avut mare success. Am hotarat in aceasta iarna sa le postez si online mult mai des. Au avut mare success inca de la prima postare asa ca m-am gandit ca exista undeva un colt secret al iubitorilor de bufnite care ma urmareste. Asadar va prezint in continuare colectia de bufnite de tot felul. Le puteti gasi si in magazinul online dar in general fac comenzi speciale cu tot felul de culori asa ca nu ezitati sa-mi spuneti daca doriti o culoare anume. 

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Castigatoarea Giveaway-ului..../ The Winner of my Giveaway is....

Pai castigatoarea este:

Te rog sa ma contactezi pe email pentru a intra in posesia premiului. De asemenea, ii rog pe cei care imi urmaresc activitatea sa ma urmareasca si pe blog deoarece voi posta mai des detalii despre giveaway-uri aici dar si noile mele creatii.

Friday, January 3, 2014

A new year/Un nou an

Not many people follow my blog but I wanted to say Happy New Year to those who do. This year was a blast for me, I had great opportunities and it was the year Abigail Smycken came public, sort of. I'm wondering whether this year I should post both in Romanian and English but for now on I'll leave it like this.

I wish my readers all the best and great opportunities in the year to come!

Nu multi imi urmaresc blogul si voiam sa zic La multi Ani celor care o fac. Acest an a fost unul minunat pentru mine, am avut oportunitati foarte interesante si a fost anul in care Abigail Smycken a devenit public. Ma gandeam daca sa mentin post-urile in doua limbi dar deocamdata o sa las totul asa cum este. 

Va urez tuturor un an cu tot ce e mai bine si multe oportunitati!