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Thursday, July 4, 2013

Regina ciupercutelor/ The mushroom Queen

To reach the Mushroom Queen one must take a delightful walk through the woods on a certain path; that path is almost always adorned with beautiful cherry tree branches and flowers in all shades and shapes. You will soon reach the place where Queen of the Dancing Mushrooms lives. If you are a lucky soul, you might even see the Mushroom Queen dancing after each rain in the fields around, togehter with thousands of small mushrooms from the Fortress of the Dancing Mushrooms.However, if you don't see the Queen, you are still in luck because she might drop one of these pendants after each rain.

Daca mergi prin padure dupa ploaie pe o anumita carare presarata cu ramuri de cires si frunze de toate culorile ajungi la curtea Reginei Ciupercilor Dansatoare. Daca esti norocos, in pajistile inconjuratoare o poti vedea pe Regina Ciupercilor dansand dupa fiecare ploaie impreuna cu miile de ciupercute din Cetatea Ciupercutelor Dansatoare.

Chiar daca nu o vezi pe Regina, tot ramai norocos pentru ca poti gasi in iarba un pandantiv ca acesta infatisand-o pe ea. 

pendant, polymer clay, jewelry, unique, handmade


  1. The polka dot outfit is so cute!

  2. Thanks Ann, that's so sweet of you :D

  3. chiar daca nu imi plac ciupercile, regina mi se pare geniala!
