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Friday, July 26, 2013

Gustav Klimt Inspiration

I have been inspired lately by a very interesting lady who ordered a Klimt bracelet and pendant. I wanted to make it look as klimty as possible so I used all the gold, green, blue, and orange tones I had available. This was an interesting project and a great challenge for me and I was surprised to see how big the resemblance was afterwards.

Am fost inspirata in ultimul timp de o doamna foarte interesanta care a comandat o bratara si un pandantiv inspirat din Gustav Klimt. Am vrut sa-l fac cat de klimt-uiesc posibil asa ca am folosit toate nuantele de auriu, verde, albastru si portocaliu pe care le aveam la indemana. A fost un proiect interesant si o provocare minunata pentru mine, fiind suprinsa chiar si eu de asemanare.