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Friday, July 26, 2013

Gustav Klimt Inspiration

I have been inspired lately by a very interesting lady who ordered a Klimt bracelet and pendant. I wanted to make it look as klimty as possible so I used all the gold, green, blue, and orange tones I had available. This was an interesting project and a great challenge for me and I was surprised to see how big the resemblance was afterwards.

Am fost inspirata in ultimul timp de o doamna foarte interesanta care a comandat o bratara si un pandantiv inspirat din Gustav Klimt. Am vrut sa-l fac cat de klimt-uiesc posibil asa ca am folosit toate nuantele de auriu, verde, albastru si portocaliu pe care le aveam la indemana. A fost un proiect interesant si o provocare minunata pentru mine, fiind suprinsa chiar si eu de asemanare. 

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Princesses of the East/ Printesele Estului

 After 2 weeks of vacation I managed to work on something these days. I made some princesses. There are 6 princesses but I will show only 4 since the others are left to dry.

Dupa 2 saptamani de vacanta, am reusit sa mai lucrez si eu ceva zilele astea. Am facut niste printese, ca asa mi-a venit mie. Sunt 6 in total dar azi va voi prezenta doar 4 caci restul sunt "la uscat".

figurine, geisha, polymer clay jewelry, handmade, pendant

figurine, geisha, polymer clay jewelry, handmade, pendant

figurine, geisha, polymer clay jewelry, handmade, pendant

figurine, geisha, polymer clay jewelry, handmade, pendant

Monday, July 8, 2013

Tutorial: Recycling Pizza Boxes/ Sa Reciclam O Cutie de Pizza

From time to time I like eating pizza but I don't do it very often because you has a lot of calories. However, I'm always left with the boxes and I always thought it was such a waste to just throw all that cardboard away. The idea of making a cardboard box was when I was looking for package sending solutions to my clients. I like sending pretty boxes but I don't want to send them by themselves because they can be flatten and might not be that sturdy, so I needed something that would protect them. There are many companies out there that sell cardboard boxes but they are always too big or too flat for my needs. So I decided to do my own and thought that pizza boxes would be a great idea. So here is how to recycle your pizza box into a sturdy box that you can use to protect your handmade package.

Cui nu-i place pizza? Mai comand si eu din cand in cand, dar totusi nu prea des are multe calorii. Totusi, mereu raman cu cutiile de la pizza si mereu m-am gandit ca mi se pare mare pacat sa le arunc si sa irosesc atata material. Imi place sa trimit in cutii dragute dar nu pot sa le trimit ca atare ca nu mi se par asa rezistente deci voiam sa le pun in ceva care sa le protejeze.Asa ca m-am gandit sa le reciclez. Sunt multe firme care vand cutii pentru colete dar mereu sunt prea mari sau prea subtiri pentru nevoile mele. Asa ca m-am decis sa-mi fac singura cutiile in care trimit pachete recicland alte cutii, printre care si cele de pizza. Urmariti in continuare tutorialul pentru a vedea cum transformati cutiile de pizza in cutii rezistente in care sa puneti lucrurile pe care doriti sa le trimiteti prin posta:

1. You will need a pizza box lid, a stapler, a ruler and a pencil.

 2. We take our pizza box lid and cut it in the middle. Make sure that a part of the box is a bit bigger than the other part, that will be the lid of your box.
3. We trim the boxes leaving one of the edges intact and we are left with two pieces:
 4. We take the first piece and measure the movable edge. Here I have 4 cm: 

 5. Using the same measure we mark it on the other non movable edges. I marked 4 cm here and I will also mark it on the other side.
 6. We draw a line and unite the two markings to see exactly how much we need to cut
 7. We are left with something like this. We make our first cut:

8. We proceed doing the same for all the corners:
 9. We fold the corners carefully:
 10. We are left with this.
 11. With a stapler we begin stapling the corners:

 12. And create the lid for our box.

 13. The same needs to be done for the other part.
 14. And we have created the box:

                                                                   Happy crafting!
"Yet as I walk through purple haze rooms
Filled with purple phased fumes
Im enlightened by the purple tazed blooms
Purple vibes that remove crazed glooms"

Friday, July 5, 2013

[RO] Castigatoarele Giveaway-ului Abigail Smycken

Am placerea sa va anunt cele 4 castigatoare ale giveaway-ului organizat de Abigail Smycken. M-am bucurat foarte mult sa vad atatia oameni inscrisi, nu mi-as fi inchipuit niciodata ca se vor inscrie atatia. Imi doream macar sa se inscrie 4 pentru a lua cele 4 cadouri dar faptul ca v-ati inscris peste 50 este absolut minunat. In total au fost 57 de share-uri la pagina insa unii dintre voi nu ati dat share public si datorita acestui lucru nu am stiut exact care ati fost. Altii au dat share de mai multe ori insa am contorizat doar o singura data asa ca am ajuns la doar 50 de inscrisi. Castigatorii celor 4 seturi sunt urmatorii:

Setul numarul 1 pleaca la:

Setul numarul 2 pleaca la:

Setul numarul 3 pleaca la:

Setul Supriza pleaca la:

Am anuntat la inceput ca voi face public cadoul supriza in momentul alegerii castigatorilor. Acesta este:

Rog toti castigatorii sa imi trimita un mail in urmatoarele zile cu adresa si numele unde doresc sa le fie trimise cadourile. Ma puteti contacta pe FB cu un mesaj personal sau la adresa de mail afisata la rubrica contact pe pagina aceasta.

Le multumesc tutoror participantilor si planuiesc sa fac un giveaway si in luna august asa ca ar fi super sa va vad si la acel giveaway. Sper ca celor care au castigat sa le placa cadourile si sa le poarte cu placere si bucurie!

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Regina ciupercutelor/ The mushroom Queen

To reach the Mushroom Queen one must take a delightful walk through the woods on a certain path; that path is almost always adorned with beautiful cherry tree branches and flowers in all shades and shapes. You will soon reach the place where Queen of the Dancing Mushrooms lives. If you are a lucky soul, you might even see the Mushroom Queen dancing after each rain in the fields around, togehter with thousands of small mushrooms from the Fortress of the Dancing Mushrooms.However, if you don't see the Queen, you are still in luck because she might drop one of these pendants after each rain.

Daca mergi prin padure dupa ploaie pe o anumita carare presarata cu ramuri de cires si frunze de toate culorile ajungi la curtea Reginei Ciupercilor Dansatoare. Daca esti norocos, in pajistile inconjuratoare o poti vedea pe Regina Ciupercilor dansand dupa fiecare ploaie impreuna cu miile de ciupercute din Cetatea Ciupercutelor Dansatoare.

Chiar daca nu o vezi pe Regina, tot ramai norocos pentru ca poti gasi in iarba un pandantiv ca acesta infatisand-o pe ea. 

pendant, polymer clay, jewelry, unique, handmade

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Summer felt strange this year / Anul asta vara s-a simtit ciudat

It rained, it was cold and it was almost autumn. I do wish for the summers I experienced during my childhood, those long hot days that ended with rain most of the time. But nowadays everything is either too cold or too hot. But it's inspiring, it inspired me to do this pendant.

A plouat, a fost frig si a fost aproape toamna. Mi-e dor de verile pe care le traiam cand eram mica, zilele lungi care se terminau aproape mereu cu ploaie. Dar acum totul este ori prea friguros ori prea fierbine. Dar ma inspira sa fac pandantive ca asta:

pendant, girl, blue, fimo, polymer clay

pendant, blue, fimo, polymer clay